Wednesday, November 04, 2009

what, a party?

just some projects i agreed to work on. the deadline was set on tomorrow.

so, how's everyone doing? :-|

i haven't been having proper appetite for anything. all i did since this monday were mostly being unproductive. stayed unbathed, reading comics, sit/sleeping, smoking, getting strong headaches in between, enjoying my stomach growled itself for starvation, ignoring assignments and class attendances. very much unappealing but this is what i am strongly in need of: a rest. even from taking a good care of myself.

my mom will be in bandung this weekend. so it means, however horrible i am now, i should look fine and all-cheerie before this week actually ended. i just.. don't want to make things look worse than how she pictured it all these times. because however hard and complicated it truly is, i still got everything under controlled. but you know moms, they invented the word 'worry'. not that i'm complaining, though.

i know my next sentence might sound like one tough justification, but here: sometimes being isolated gives us a bigger chance of being a social person. no matter how alienated we turned out to be.

hahah, it was random, obviously.

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